2021 Goals

Tuesday 12th, January 2021


Happy New Year!

We are now 12 days into 2021, a week into Lockdown 3.0. So I thought I would write about my goals for the year, but half of them I may not be able to do due to the worldwide pandemic that is still going on. But here are my goals for 2021.

Firstly, I am going to try and blog more, writing this I realised the last time I blogged was back in September, I’ve set myself a little plan of what I am going to do, all I have got to do is stick to it. Not sure how easy that will be but I can try. 

Secondly, I want to read more, I have some books that are gathering up dust on the bookcase and I really want to read them it will also reduce my time just scrolling through social media.

Thirdly, I want to explore more of the UK, this may be achievable once we are out of lockdown and we are allowed to move more freely, However, we are due to have a long weekend in Rome in April but I feel like that is very unlikely at the moment (It’s already got rebooked from last June, so hopefully we will get to go this time)

Next, I want to get fit, after eating so much over Christmas and New Year, I want to get fit, I’ve done some running, but I haven’t gone too far. But it’s winter and it’s cold and dark most of the day also the gyms are closed and we have still so much chocolate from Christmas to eat. But I’m going to try! 

I also want to bake more, I have a lot of saved recipes I want to try, my husband wants me to make a banoffee pie (but I’m not the biggest fan, so I am going to have to make it when we are allowed to socialise and have people over again). 

This year I also want to grow deeper with God, Churches are closed, small groups aren’t happening in person but there are many ways that I can grow deeper with God, I’m going to start by finding some time each day and spend time with God.

Lastly, I want to try something new, for Christmas I got a wax melt burner and I have a kit of making my own but I wonder if I could start something and sell them, yes I know that they are loads of small businesses out there doing the same I have just got to work out how to make mine different.